Friday, March 2, 2012

A new month underway

I started this post two days ago, but it was an ugly post. It was a "Boy, February really sucked" post, and as badly as I want to be real here, I was bumming myself out.

You know, like I needed more bumming out about stinky, smelly February.

Speaking of stinky and smelly, always be careful where you throw your dirty gym clothes. You might accidentally lob them onto your pillow. And you might not notice until bedtime, after the smell has had time to seep. And simmer.

It's gross, I know. But this lesson was too important to overlook. Learn from my mistakes.


I had lapses in February. The plateau was beating me up and I started to lose some of my will. My diet was never out of control, but I made some poor choices. And while those few Thin Mints and the bottle of Mountain Dew didn't add pounds, what they did was far more dangerous.

They brought my cravings back.

So March is about finding my stride again, and today presented a multitude of tests.

I must have met every one of my nemeses today. I was offered a cupcake. And a chocolate chip cookie. And those Thin Mints. I got hungry before lunch and almost went to the vending machines. I wavered at the taco place and fought the pull of nacho cheese. It was out of control.

But I wasn't. Finally. I turned down every temptation and got back to basics. Whew.

I started the month yesterday with a 40-min run on the treadmill over hills. I had intended to walk it, since hills aren't something I usually do, but halfway through my legs were feeling good and I decided to go for it. I didn't run much, just a few intervals of two minutes at a time, but it was worth it.

I hit the treadmill again today, wrapping up after a mile and a half when my right calf wouldn't stop nagging me. It gets tight when I overwork it, and until I get better at this "running" business, all I can do is stop when it tells me to.

Nevertheless, I've been happy with this month so far. I know, it's only been two days. But after a month of trials, it's two wonderful days where I'm optimistic again about this journey.

I've got this.

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