Saturday, February 18, 2012

A 5k with a purpose

This summer, I am running a 5k.

Yes, really.

But it's a very special 5k. It has obstacles.

And zombies.

The kiddo and I will be participating, and I wasn't prepared for just how excited he'd be about this. He's already picked a local park where we can condition over hills.

Serious. Business.

I don't have any illusions of making it through the race alive. My torn ACL means I won't likely be ducking or dodging. But you'd better believe that I'm going to finish.

If the weather holds tomorrow, I hope to have my first outdoor run. If I can finish even a mile, I'll be elated. Road running is hard for me, what with me being an accident-prone mess who trips over her own feet.

June 2. Countdown begins now.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! So cool!!

    In skiing, before the snow fell, we would always have to have drills up Calvary Hill. Ugh!
