I've had numerous attitude adjustments in my time at the gym. Some of them have been brought on by J's sessions, but some of them have come to me while reflecting on my progress, alone.
None are bigger than this one.
I'm no longer someone who's trying to lose weight by running. I'm a runner who happens to be losing weight.
I've had this idea at the back of my mind for a while now, ever since my first plateau at the end of December. I realized I was reaching these plateaus because I was spending so much time on the treadmill, doing the same thing every single day. I was so focused on running, improving my times, making it easier. Despite knowing that cross-training was what I needed to lose weight, I couldn't help it. I just wanted to run.
So tonight at the gym, when I arrived in time for my session only to see J heading off with another client, my frustration at having been inadvertently double-booked was short lived. I'd just been given the gift of another running day.
And lo, did wonderful things happen. My mile is now at 10:51.
I'm just gonna bask in that for a bit here. Just a few months ago, that time seemed impossible. And not impossible in the "I can't finish this incredible slice of triple-chocolate cake" sort of way. Impossible in the "I can't breathe in the vacuum of space" sort of way.
Maybe this is why I like running. It makes the impossible possible.
For two miles, I hit 23:11, taking :13 off my time from Thursday. After that, I was spent. I managed to finish three miles in 36:27, :03 from Thursday's best, so I won't complain. But I was feeling overheated and I was beginning to labor by the end. It was an icky feeling, so instead of finishing out the 45:00 I had programmed on the machine, I finished off a 5K and called it good.
I had aborted plans to participate in a local 5K last week when my foot started giving me problems. But the situation has stabilized, despite my increased mileage (more than 10 miles in the past five days), so I took a chance and signed up for a 5K this coming weekend. I'll be running in the Challenge Obesity 5K in St. Paul. My goal time is 40:00, and I really don't know how good my chances are on breaking that. I'm still getting comfortable with road running, finding my pacing and not using myself up early. So as long as I finish safely and with no shin splints, I'll be happy woman.
Crossing my fingers for sunny skies!
That's great, Lisa! Maybe you can cross-train and run at the same time by doing the Maccarena! :D Wouldn't that be a sight? hehe