Sunday, November 13, 2011

Changing my relationship with food

Food is fuel.

I wanted to get that out of the way, because it's something I need to tell myself every single day. My relationship with food has been less a sensible partnership and more a torrid love affair, and changing that relationship has been a long, difficult road.

Name a food vice and I've probably had it. I over-eat my favorite foods to the point of making myself sick. I eat when bored. I eat when emotional. I give into cravings. I'm that person who'll leave the house at 2am to get a candy bar at the grocery store, and after buying it, will eat it shamefaced in the car and hate myself ten minutes later.

At least, I was that person.

When starting a fitness program, I can't change everything at once. I start with exercise, and I let myself eat normally for the first few weeks while I'm gearing up. That's when I notice the first major change in myself: I stop craving garbage. I firmly believe that the body often craves what it needs, and when I'm hitting the gym, the only thing I can think about eating afterward is a big piece of chicken. And let me tell you, I give in to every one of those good cravings. I need to capitalize on them, reward myself for them.

Once I'm finding myself in a groove with going to the gym and having some good cravings, I take steps to change the rest of my diet. I start replacing my calorie-laden beverages with water. I replace my mid-morning candy bar with a granola bar. I eat an apple an hour before going to the gym not because I want to, but because I should.

An interesting thing happens once you make these changes. You start craving these foods. The body starts expecting them. So even though I don't like granola bars, I don't particularly like water, and apples have never been at the top of my snack list, I start to look forward to them.

There are days when the food-obsessed version of me comes out again. Some days, I'll grab a hot fudge sundae along with my plain grilled chicken wrap. I'll have a big slice of cake (or two) when I feel I need it. But like with everything else, I need to be honest with myself. Why am I eating this? Will I feel better for having eaten it? Am I acting reasonably right now?

And always, when I let myself indulge, I still count my calories. Just because I'm cheating doesn't mean I give up, and my storied history with food has shown me that I can still make progress on the days I exceed my desired calorie count. If I eat 2200 calories on Wednesday (Pizza Night, hello!) all is not lost. I still have six other days of the week to make a difference.

The important thing for me to remember is that a slice of cake doesn't undo all the good I've done since I started down this path. It may be a stumbling block, but if there's one thing I've learned it's that stumbling doesn't mean falling.

I'll never be cured of my food obsessions. It's a constant battle, this relationship. But every day I can log my calories with a smile on my face is a major accomplishment, something to be proud of.


  1. Love this post! You pointed out some very good points. I've spent less time on the bike the past couple of weeks because of some pressing issues but am wanting to start anew this week. But I have felt my bad cravings come back since-though I've been working out hard in other ways, it is nothing like intentional workouts. I'll have to ask for a trainer named Jordan for Christmas. Do you think my husband will get me him? :D (of course, the whole 2 hour round trip commute to STC just to burn my butt at the gym while I'm there might be a little demotivational...)

    Apples. I love Gala apples. Or Honey Crisp. Neither are horribly tart, but flavorful and sweet crisp. Generally the more expensive the apple, the yummier, of course - but they are in season right now so this is a great time to experiment!

    Have you ever had the yogurt parfaits at McDonalds? I make those at home with plain yogurt(with a teeny bit of sugar) and frozen, unsweetened blueberries and strawberries, and crunch up a Nature Valley Oats and Honey (crunchy type) granola bar on it Yum!

  2. Gala is my go-to apple for sure! I have a bowl full of them on the table right now. I ate a very filling lunch today, so I missed out on my apple this afternoon, and I was surprised to find that I was a little sad.

    I've never had the parfaits, but I really should try them. I've never liked yogurt, which is a horrible thing. I'm of the opinion that yogurt is one of the fab-tastic things you can eat, but I just can't stand the stuff. Maybe I'll like it more with fresh fruit and crunchies?

  3. I'm still dreaming of you coming again to Germany and to visit me (you know, the room you slept in last time is now fully furnished and has become really nice. I'm sure you'd love to sleep there on my blue sofa). And then we could cook together again - and by now I know such a lot of great and even healthy recipes!
